Thursday, December 22, 2011
Christmas Is Almost There! HoHoHo
Finally!! Finished preparing for the Christmas Cards and Presents!
The Cotton Tote Bag will be a gift bag. Hehehe and now it's time to pack my stuff!
Tomorrow morning I'll be leaving to The south of Germany. I'm very excited but at the same time very nervous... hopefully Everybody is gonna love my gifts :)
Well, anyway! Have a great christmas everyone and Merry Christmas! Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Small Early Christmas Gifts.
Wiiiii! I got small christmas gifts!
1) The Combination of Finnish Music.
2)Some Lamb?Goat? Jerky in a candy style.
3)Instant Miso Soup!
4)Pocket Coffee ( Chocolate )
Hmm...Always good times good times!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Mission Completed!
I was kind of in a rush finishing the christmas gift and made the scarf in 3 days! Hooray! Can.t wait for Christmas but at the same time I;m a bit nervous. Hopefully it'll be great Christmas. Now It's time for wrapping the present!
Monday, December 12, 2011
It's time for Knitting!
It's raining and super cold outside today. Hmm...Always the weather makes me want to knit something in the winter so I went to buy yarns. 12 days left until Christmas. Hopefully I can make it by then.
Heavy Metal Café Bakery.
Around my area there are a lot of cafés. And one of my favorite café is heavy metal cafe!! The music, people works there, atmosphere are all heavy metal! but they sells coffees and sandwiches and cakes.
家の近くにある、最近お気に入りのヘビメタカフェベーカリー。音楽も店員も内装ももちろんヘビメタ!でもパンとかかわいい。チョコクロワッサンとかをモヒカンのお兄さんが売ってたりと、なかなか面白い光景を見れる。笑 朝から音楽と雰囲気でコーヒーを飲む前に目を覚まさせてくれる素敵なカフェベーカリー♡お味もなかなかよろしいですぞ。
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Collage X Dancing
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I went to this festival which have been held for about a month. This festival is cerebrate german's writer, Kleist, who committed suicide after killed his girl friend in the forest about 200 years ago. So the musicians decided to have 24 hours event on the same date he died. Started from 16:11 till next day 16:11. and they don't stop play music and dancing. It was great show. At the first they played in the studio and only between 00:00 till 01:00 they performed at the huge church. they gathered woods, leaves and the earth to create sounds and it's like they're playing music with Kleist. Hmm...Interesting.
R.I.P. Heinrich von Kleist
Shots shots shots and Curry sausages.
Girls Night Out! House party here is crazy!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The first time night life in Berlin!
Oh gosh gosh gosh! やらかした~!
で、 パーティーパーティーパーティー! 途中よくわからん人にベルリンの景色そ見せてあげるとタクシーで 高いタワーかなんかに行きみせてもらった!で、 またクラブに戻り…って気付いたら朝7時…
警察みたいな人と駅の警備員の人、計程ほどに囲まれ起こされた。 しかもドイツ語わかんねー。
立ってまっすぐ歩くテストをされ、名前、 国籍など尋問されってちょいと恐かったけどベルリンの人ってまじ みんないい人。 駅の警備員さんが最寄りの駅まで送ってくれてさらに飴やらコーヒ ーを買ってくれた。
Glossary Shopping!
Liqueurs. |
Veggies. |
生ハムとソーセージ。 |
キャビア。 |
間違えて買った、産後のお母さん達が乳が出ないなどのトラブルの時に飲む用のお茶。これが本当にまずい。 |
ソーセージ用のソース。白いソーセージ用とノーマルソーセージ用。 |
インスタントヌードル。日本の製品が多かった! |
てか安過ぎるだろ!! ソーセージ十何本かで200円をきったー!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Girls Talk in the bathroom.
I went to this bar called Schwarzes Cafe.
It was a quiet nice bar and my favorite part is the lady bathroom!
So...I found this heart-shaped window on the wall... Opened it!
Wow! that's the toilet next door!!
Actually you can pee and have girls talk at the same time! The great invention!
The First Day In Lovely City, BERLIN!
Here I come! The beautiful city Berlin!
Apparently there is rules when you're drinking.
1, You better wait for everybody has a drink. Well it's the same as Japanese people do.
2, After say "prost" which means cheers in German, you should look into eyes and drink!
Otherwise, you'll have bad sex years for seven years! 555(←LOL of German Ver.)
I found out there are rules here like when you at cafe or restaurant and if you are ready to order close a menu. If you keep open the menu waiter/waitress assume that you're still deciding what you're gonna have :0 Interesting....
I gotta find more German rules!
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