Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Is Almost There! HoHoHo

Finally!! Finished preparing for the Christmas Cards and Presents!
The Cotton Tote Bag will be a gift bag. Hehehe and now it's time to pack my stuff!
Tomorrow morning I'll be leaving to The south of Germany. I'm very excited but at the same time very nervous... hopefully Everybody is gonna love my gifts :)

Well, anyway! Have a great christmas everyone and Merry Christmas! Fröhliche Weihnachten!

Small Early Christmas Gifts.

Wiiiii! I got small christmas gifts!

1) The Combination of Finnish Music.
2)Some Lamb?Goat? Jerky in a candy style.
3)Instant Miso Soup!
4)Pocket Coffee ( Chocolate )

Hmm...Always good times good times!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Mission Completed!

I was kind of in a rush finishing the christmas gift and made the scarf in 3 days! Hooray! Can.t wait for Christmas but at the same time I;m a bit nervous. Hopefully it'll be great Christmas. Now It's time for wrapping the present!

Monday, December 12, 2011

It's time for Knitting!

It's raining and super cold outside today. Hmm...Always the weather makes me want to knit something in the winter so I went to buy yarns. 12 days left until Christmas. Hopefully I can make it by then.


Heavy Metal Café Bakery.

Around my area there are a lot of cafés. And one of my favorite café is heavy metal cafe!! The music, people works there, atmosphere are all heavy metal! but they sells coffees and sandwiches and cakes.

家の近くにある、最近お気に入りのヘビメタカフェベーカリー。音楽も店員も内装ももちろんヘビメタ!でもパンとかかわいい。チョコクロワッサンとかをモヒカンのお兄さんが売ってたりと、なかなか面白い光景を見れる。笑 朝から音楽と雰囲気でコーヒーを飲む前に目を覚まさせてくれる素敵なカフェベーカリー♡お味もなかなかよろしいですぞ。


Me and Sara.

One of my friend visited me in Berlin from Sthlm for 5 days! We've been party 5 days in a row so there is a lot of bottle left in my room....I should go to supermarket soon to return those bottles. I'm wondering how much money I'll get back.hehehe

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Collage X Dancing

I went to this interesting event which you can dance, drink and make a collage!

After making colages...messy messy.

Everybody's collage! 

My collage and Merja's collage. Xx

Ve Mac's art works...

and she drew Merja and Me.